April 19, 2018 Payment Profiles At athleteReg we are constantly working to improve the experience for event directors, and part of that process is making our systems both more…
April 5, 2018 Your Post-Event Checklist Your event is over, phew! It was a whirlwind. So much happened, especially leading up to event day. It’s easy at this point to…
February 5, 2018 Team Invites Made Easy Team registration can get complicated, especially when you consider how many people want to sign up at a given time. We designed our team…
October 27, 2017 Night Weasels: A Study in Event Success Unless you are a New England cyclocross regular, the name Night Weasels might be foreign to you, but in our neck of the woods…
September 13, 2017 athleteReg employs RaceHQ’s Online Marketplace athleteReg has chosen to partner with RaceHQ, an online event management company, in order to aid event directors to make the most out of…
October 23, 2015 Finding Volunteers, Transitioning Your Events for Free, and More Find Superstar Volunteers by Kelli White Everyone longs to find the volunteers that best fit their event. The people who actually “get it” and…