Send email reminders to any participant with an unsigned USA Cycling online waiver or any other online waiver your event uses.
Remember when we had to stand in line to sign a paper waiver at an event? I’ve almost forgotten too. As with everything, the event world is changing and improving with technology, online waivers being one piece of the puzzle.
Over the past few months, we have heard from some of our event directors who weren’t aware of one of our online waiver tools, so we are using this as an opportunity to help make sure everyone is up-to-speed with our reminder tool.
Online waivers are a required part of the registration process for any participant registering themselves. However, some participants may be in your event without a signed waiver if a friend registered them or you added/edited a waiver after they registered., It’s important to collect those signatures and knowing how to email those registrants in bulk will reduce the number of people you will need to chase for a signature at the event.
To email registrants with a link to sign their waiver, you can easily go to the online waiver page and click the button labeled “Email Unsigned Waivers.” This will give you the option to edit the stock text and create a more personalized reminder as well as choose what categories the reminder should go out to. This email will target only those who still need to take action on the waiver.
To learn more about this process, check out our Knowledge base article here.