Important Formatting Changes to 2018 USAC Release Forms

For 2018 USA Cycling has made some changes to the format of their standard release form. Event directors who choose to sanction their events through USA Cycling will be familiar with their ‘wet signature’ policy, which is that all forms that will be submitted to USA Cycling need to be signed in person, in ink, by the person whose name is on the form, or by the parent or guardian of a junior participant. To make this process easier BikeReg is able to pre-fill all participant information, which makes things much quicker on event day, as participants need only find their name in the list of releases, and sign.

The 2018 version of this release form strips out a lot of the important information that previous versions of the release had, such as emergency contact. Many event directors have used these forms in the past as a reference to a participant’s information. BikeReg has just rolled out a recent change to allow event directors to select some of this absent information and include it in the margins of the release form when it is printed. This change allows event directors to still have that quick reference for participant information when they need it.

BikeReg is constantly releasing features, both big and small to make the process of event registration and management easier, quicker and more seamless for our event directors. You can always get in touch with our support staff to discuss this feature release, or any other:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 888.956.9560